What is #iAmImpact?

Vision: Creating communities of connection and impact.


Our Purpose: We exist to challenge the status quo of professional development, spark courageous conversions that lead to transformation and help people unleash their impact potential.


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Theory of Change

Our theory change comes by embracing authenticity, community, wholeness, and love, we can create a positive and lasting impact on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Through our authenticity, we inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of authenticity and empowerment. By fostering a sense of community and collaboration, we can leverage the collective power and diverse talents and gifts of individuals to address social issues and create meaningful change. Recognizing the importance of wholeness, we prioritize holistic well-being and create spaces where individuals can heal, grow, and thrive both personally and professionally. Love guides our actions, encouraging us to approach our work and relationships with empathy, compassion, and care. Through love in action, we can uplift, support, and empower others, creating a world where everyone can experience love, acceptance, and fulfillment. This theory of change recognizes that lasting impact requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses authenticity, community, wholeness, love, and a commitment to making a positive IMPACT in the world.

Approach and Application

We train individuals and organizations in cultivating human relationships and creating positive change, we propose a combined approach of social emotional learning (SEL) and restorative justice. We want individuals to thrive personally and professionally.

Together, SEL and restorative justice provides a comprehensive framework for supporting organizations in their journey towards cultivating human relationships and making a positive impact. By equipping individuals with social and emotional skills and providing opportunities for restorative processes, organizations can create safe and inclusive environments where individuals can thrive personally and professionally. Moreover, this approach fosters a sense of belonging and connectedness, allowing individuals to unleash their potential and contribute to a more compassionate and equitable society.

Our team of experts is dedicated to supporting organizations in implementing SEL and restorative justice practices. We offer training programs, workshops, and consultation services to help organizations integrate these approaches into their existing structures and processes. Through our collaborative and empathic approach, we aim to create transformative experiences that empower individuals and organizations to walk in the fullness of themselves and impact the world in a positive way.

Building Community

We build community through dialogue. But not just any dialogue, we use intententional dialogue. Community should be built from the ground up. We ensure the needs of the community are properly heard and valued. We aim to put things as right as possible in all spaces.